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In the past the Registry allowed members to post Kardex requests on the forum and no one cared. With the increased value of our cars, fraud related to “matching numbers” increased and knowing the numbers became valuable. Porsche has responded by changing its method of providing this information and so has the Registry. All this is described on the web page linked above.
Although the legal question of whether there would be any legal exposure to the Registry by allowing posting of sources for a Kardex is murky for various reasons, the Registry has taken the position of minimizing that exposure by removing any such posts. This is the unfortunate state of today’s world.
If you would like to obtain a Kardex for your car, consider this advice on the referenced web page and contact a frequent poster privately offline:
ACCORDINGLY, ANY POSTS ON THE FORUM LISTING A SOURCE FOR OBTAINING A KARDEX WILL BE REMOVED.Kardex records are the property of Porsche; they are not available through Porsche or the Porsche 356 Registry. You may be able to acquire a Kardex via a third-party source if you ask other members or search the internet.