Having only being able to adjust the rear suspension independantly you have to
compromise the corner weights. The cars we balance for a better and more even
front balance do have the weight difference in the rear but that are usually in
not too bad in different numbers. The rear is never "way off" unless some is
wrong with the rest of the set up. When we build a track type car you always
think about where the weight is going, fire bottles to the right side, batteries
the same and if possible away from the ends etc. You can make the 356 a better,
not perfect, car. All of these cars will only brake as well as its worst wheel,
as soon as it goes you are not stopping any better.
vic skirmants wrote:
Post generated using Mail2Forum via email.Of course with even weight up front, you are guaranteed very large differences in the rear.
Now what?
You brake very nicely into a corner, and have seriously different handling characteristics when coming out of the corner; I guess you'd better have good braking, because you're going to need to slow down more than the other guy.
If the corner weights are off a major amount, the car thinks it's front-engined in one direction and rear-engined in another. I'd rather my car thought it was the same configuration in either direction, just a little heavier on the left than the right.
No, you can't get it perfect; not with the driver and steering box all on one side. You just get the diagonal weights to come out even, as mentioned before.
Also, you set up the corner weights with the sway bar disconnected. On the race cars, the links are adjustable. If the weights come out well, you hook up the sway bar with no pre-load. You can do some pre-loading with the sway bar to fine tune the weights if necessary.
No knock on the guys that gave you advice; it's perfectly good for the cars they are working on. You know, real race cars with real suspensions.
Our dear cars have the worst suspension possible for a race car in the rear. That's balanced by having a worse one up front. I guess the Morgan sliding pillar setup is just as bad.
vic skirmants